My 32 year old orange pot holders have met their end. I decided to knit up some blue cotton ones to take their place.

My daughter is working at a day camp this summer. The old bean bags made from old socks were wearing out and leaking beans. I consented to making a batch for her to take for the campers to use. Old blue jeans make great bean bags, and I used polyester pellets instead of beans.

My sister got me started on coffee cup cozies. I'm not fond of knitting on double pointed needles so I revised the pattern to knit on straight needles. This was Coffee Cozy 4.0. I wouldn't stop till it was perfect. Perfection, a blessing, and a curse.

As if knitting and quilting weren't enough, I decided to try single crocheted amigurumi. This pattern is for a penguin but all I had with me was the purple yard from the coffee cozy.

This quilt, Plan C by Miss Rosie's Quilt Company, was pieced and quilted 18 months ago. My friend gave me the kick in the pants I needed to sew the binding on and be finished. It's hanging in our bedroom and I love it! It still needs a label and laundering and that will happen soon.
Thanks for stopping by!